The release writ for individual accused along with parentage confined in prison should be carefully verified with the Case number, FIR number, Police Station, offence and date of issue. This information should also be available on the official website of the district courts of Sindh:
Subject: Release Order of Halem Adil Sheikh S/o. Imamuddin Sheikh.
WHEREAS, the accused namely HALEEM ADIL SHEIKH S/O IMAMUDDIN SHEIKH is hereby released under section 173 sub-section 3 Cr.P.C. from the charge mentioned above.
You are, hereby, directed to released the accused person namely Haleem Adil Sheikh S/o. Imamuddin Sheikh forthwith after obtaining the P.R. Bond of Rs. 200,000/- (Two Hundred Tousand) from the accused for his appearance before the court as and when required by teh Court, if he is not required in any other case.
Given under my hand and seal of this Court,
This 31st day of January, 2024.